
Human Nutrition

The human body is an amazing example of millions of years of evolution, although delicate the human body endures a lot of stress and strain in everyday life some more than others and whether or not it can withstand these pressures of day to day life is entirely up to the fuel it receives and runs on, also of course genetics play a major role also upon us as human beings and our general overall well being, proper nutrition plays a very important roll here in all of the above.
The lack of just one vital mineral or vitamin can have adverse effects on the whole "vehicle" and how it runs, as I see the human body as a "vehicle" simply a mode of transport, what is important is what is under the bonnet!
There is one element that is always overlooked when talking nutrition and that is water (macro nutrient) the human body is made up of 60-75% of it, water carries life energy pretty much it is our lifeline as you know without a good pollution free supply of it we are pretty much good as dead!
Good nutrition to maintain and understand good healthy nutrition is not that hard, in a nutshell basically broken down into "Macro nutrients" and "Micro nutrients" Macro nutrients are the nutrients that are required in large quantities such as your vitamins and minerals, fats and carbohydrates, Micro nutrients (small) are the minerals such as manganese, zinc, chromium, iron, iodine etc these are only needed in small quantities usually less than 100micrograms/day or so.
Iodine...... every time I hear that mineral mentioned I think of a very interesting documentary I watched on the effects of iodine deficiency that usually occurs in third world countries (but not in all cases) I seen some years back and is a classic example of how important it is to maintain ones "Micro nutrients" as the effects of iodine deficiency is quite dramatic the result being mental retardation and brain damage, the interesting bit about this is it is related to topography so the higher up you are the more iodine depleted soil there is the more chance you have of missing out on this very important mineral, I find this fascinating, iodine is found in decent levels in most seafood's and usually slots itself into ones diet eating this group of foods as it is only needed in small amounts.
Carbohydrates: These are broken into different groups, your Mono saccharides and Poly saccharides to explain these would be very involved plus I would be "plagiarizing" as I really do not know the full biochemical process slots itself into the human diet, what I do know is they are important in converting sugar into the energy, proper brain function and muscle energy (fuel) is dependent on this energy source I learnt this back when I was younger and into body building and treated my body as a temple, then we get older right? Remember sugar is 100% carbohydrate, it's like anything to much is no good! The simple carbs and complex carbs, sugar is evil but it plays a fairly major role in our bodies nutrition.

Healthy Nutrition Starts at Home

Childhood obesity has become a national epidemic of epic proportions. In 1980, an overweight child would have stood out on the playground. Today, however, overweight American children have become the norm.
The statistics about childhood obesity are shocking. Studies show that obesity levels among children have tripled over the last 20 years. Physical inactivity and access to more processed, packaged foods are key contributors to the nation's expanding waistlines. Sadly, children who are obese become young adults at high risk for serious health conditions.
How can you teach your children the basics of healthy eating? Remember that actions speak louder than words and set a good example. Helping to create healthy habits for your children now will lead to a healthier future. Try these simple steps to encourage healthier eating:
• Make Meal Time Family Time Studies show that families that eat together tend to be healthier overall. Predictability is important for kids, so making dinnertime something they can count on benefits their mental well-being. It also gives parents the chance to introduce new foods and act as healthy-eating role models for their children.
• Mix it Up While routines are important for kids, variety is important for taste buds! Don't just stick to basic carrots or ants on a log. Try out different recipes to make fruits and veggies tastier for young palates. The internet is a vast resource for recipes and healthy eating tips. You'll be surprised by what your children like!
• Recruit Young Helping Hands There are always age-appropriate tasks your child can help with in the kitchen. Sometimes it's as simple as stirring. Make them a part of the whole experience, and use the time to teach them about why we eat certain foods, and why we avoid others. Helping to prepare something also gives kids a sense of accomplishment and makes them more likely to try it.
• Say No to TV Snacking Snacking in front of the television is an invitation to mindless overeating and makes it more difficult to identify a feeling of fullness. Limit eating to kitchen and dining areas in your home to discourage habitual overeating.

Nutrifolica - The Right Nutrition For Your Hair

Hair loss is a nightmare a majority of the people are facing today.
People are becoming desperate to try any remedies or treatments to get back their lost hair but to no avail. They are spending huge amounts of money at salons and parlors but these various treatments are only accelerating the problem. People are losing money along with their hair. Nutrifolica is a product you can use to get rid of your hair related woes.
It is a natural bio-extract made of nutrients which cures loss of hair in half a year. It inhibits DHT and arouses the follicles. It does not affect the body in any way because of its natural ingredients.
Nutrifolica contains Saw Palmetto. This does not allow testosterone to transform into DHT. Another ingredient is Nettle Root. It restricts the reductase from producing DHT.
Low amount of DHT in the scalp is good news. It means new hair can grow. If a follicle has not produced hair for a long time it will take a while to start this activity again. Follicles suffering from mineral shortage give rise to weak hair.
Nutrifolica has cent percent natural ingredients like green bell peppers, proteins and nutrients. These prevent follicles from becoming nutrient deficient. The right diet and enhanced blood flow to the head stimulates follicles to grow thick, lustrous hair again. Nutrifolica also has Aloe. This prevents the hair from getting damaged anymore.
Nutrients are very essential for healthy and strong hair. Nutrifolica has vitamins and minerals which accelerate hair growth. It does away with residues on the head as it has cleansers like Chamomile and Nettles.
A strong follicle can produce as many as four hairs. This in turn gives rise to dense and lustrous tresses. Chemical shampoos consist of sulfates. This is responsible for hair loss.
Nutrifolica Shampoo is made of herbs and essential oils which make the follicles squeaky clean.

Exercise Regime and Nutrition to Lose Belly Fat

Are you set to burn that stubborn fat that you have put on over the years? If yes, be prepared to work hard and get the right food. Yes, the right exercise regime and the nutrition to lose belly is your secret to your success. There are many people who believe that resistance training is the ideal way to lose belly fat and get that flat stomach. This rule applies to both men and women and both have to combine the right exercise regime and nutrition to get effective results!
As mentioned above there are many people who believe that resistance training in the only way to get rid of stubborn belly fat. By resistance training we mean the usage of weights that work on your stomach and make them flat as possible. The right exercise regime and nutrition also helps you to remain fit as they strengthen your abs. The right exercise regime comprises of cardio vascular exercises like walking, cycling, dancing and sprinting that are effective against burning body fat. In addition to this you can also go in for sit ups, crunches, lunges etc. These exercises test your stamina and they are very successful in toning your muscles to a great extent. They also put a lot of pressure of your stomach and this in turn helps you to tone and grow your abdominal muscles for a flatter stomach.
The right exercise regime and nutrition to lose belly fat also helps you get a well toned stomach as quickly and easily as possible. To start with you need to go in for low calorie food that release energy slowly over a period of time. The examples of such food are porridge oats, brown bread, fruit and vegetables. You should avoid food that lacks in basic nutrients as they are detrimental to your health and you will never be able to attain your dreams of getting those flat abdominals effectively. You should avoid foods like cakes, chocolates, sugary substances and so on. You should stop eating fast food as they contribute largely to the accumulation of fats in the body.
Protein is also a very important aspect that you should also take into consideration when you have decided to go in for flat abdomens. The right exercise regime and nutrition entails that you go in for food that is rich in protein and they include chicken, eggs, seafood, turkey etc. This food should be eaten on a regular basis so that your body does not lack the vital nutrients that are required for losing fat effectively. You must be very careful and strictly adhere to this diet as your efforts to shed body fat in the abdomens will go in vain. Try not to give in to food cravings that are harmful to your health. Drink plenty of water and ensure that your body is hydrated too.
Thus, with the right exercise regime and nutrition you can lose belly fat effectively and at the same time get back the self esteem that you may have lost because of a bulging belly. The above should be followed by both men and women so that they can get the best and effective results when they have decided to lose belly fat.

The Nutrition Pyramid for Your Body

As we grow older so it is important that we provide our bodies with sufficient amounts of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. One of the best way of ensuring that this is done is by using the nutrition pyramid.
This is a food plan which provides you with a list of foods that are not only considered to be healthy, but will also provide your body with what it needs in order for it to function. Below we take a look at the levels that make up the pyramid and the foods which come into each of these.
Pyramid Base - This is made up of foods such as cereal, grain, pasta and bread which contain complex carbohydrates in them. These are essential part of any diet as they will help to provide your body with energy that it needs to function on a day to day basis. These are even more essential for those people whose diets are very low in fat as they will help to protect the body as well. On average a person should be aiming to have between 6 and 11 servings of these each day.
Level 1 - This part of the pyramid is made up of fruit and vegetables and a person should be aiming to have between 3 and 5 servings of these particular foods each day. These foods are particular good as they contain essential vitamins such as A, C and D all of which are vital for our bodies to remain in good condition. A serving of these can be made up either of 1/2 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or an apple, banana or orange.
Level 2 - In this section of the pyramid this is where you will find the meat, dairy products, fish, beans and eggs. Where as with the first two levels you daily intake is quite high with this part of the pyramid it is recommended that you have only between 2 or 3 servings of these in a day. The meat that you eat should be lean and for all these foods you should aim to make up a serving of around 2 ounces of what ever one it is you have chosen to eat.
Level 3 - This part of the pyramid is made up of those foods which you not include within your diet very often. The main foods included within this group are fats, oils and those which are sweet. The only thing you are likely to be get from these is additional calories which your body will then have to burn off. When cooking try to avoid using any kind of fat including margarine or butter and cut back on the number of sodas that you drink. However, you don't need to cut out these foods completely.
The reason why one should not cut out fat foods from their diet is that they actually protect the organs in the body by providing them with padding. Also these foods are essential at helping your skin and nails to remain healthy. The best kinds of oils to include within your diet if you need to use them are olive and canola ones.
If you keep in mind the recommendations made by the nutrition pyramid then you will find that your body will remain fit and healthy as you grow older. You may well discover that by incorporating this into your dietary requirements you will see some improvements in your energy levels and the way your body looks.

11 Fat Loss Nutrition Tips "On the Road"

It's often difficult to maintain your fat loss nutrition regime whilst away from home - whether you are away on a business trip or simply having dinner at a restaurant, the temptations to break the discipline can be tremendous! It needn't be all bad, however. With some simple steps, discipline and by making some polite requests to the waiter, you can still enjoy most of the benefits of a meal out without having to feel guilty.
1. Don't be Dictated to by the Menu. Have some confidence in yourself by customising your menu order. If your meal comes with a fatty source - ask to have it without. Instead of fries - ask for a baked potato. If they don't comply (and why wouldn't they?), simply walk out of the restaurant and remember not to go there again. Who's the customer? Is there anything wrong with "no sauces", "extra vegetables", "steamed instead of boiled", "extra egg whites"? Just remember to say please and thank you.
2. Skip on the Appetiser. How often do you have an appetiser at home? I don't know about you, but I never do. So what's so different when you are out having fun? Do you really need one? If you need anything to graze on whilst your friends are consuming their chicken wings, have a sauce-free salad.
3. "Undress" your Food. This is crucial. I know it's easy to order that chicken sandwich with mayonnaise. Instead, just ask them to hold off it and have some mustard instead. This will significantly reduce your calorie intake. Better still, ask for the sauce to be brought to you on a side dish. Then it's up to you as to how much you should
4. Ask for Steamed Vegetables. Raw vegetables are the most nutritious - period. Unfortunately, cooking destroys much of the nutritional content. Whilst eating out, ask the waiter to steam your vegetables instead of boiling them. Did you know that boiling your veggies removes up to 75% of the nutrient value? Considering vegetables are not cheap, this is a horrible way to throw your money down the toilet.
5. Eat Slowly. By eating slowly, it will ensure that you don't over eat because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you're full. If you eat fast or even gulp your food down, then you can eat beyond the point of fullness. This leads to unhealthy weight gain (as well as indigestion!). Whether you want to pack on muscle or lose fat fast, enjoy your food and eat s-l-o-w-l-y.
6. Grilled or Baked? Do your best to order you food grilled, steamed or baked. Grilling and baking food removes the fat as the cooking takes place. Avoid any kind of frying or deep-frying of your food - this adds so many unwanted extra fat calories.
7. "No Thank You!" You need to get into the habit of saying this when the waiter brings along the basket of bread before your meal. I know it's difficult to say "NO" to anything that's free, but have him take it away to avoid the temptation. Remember that nothing in life is "free." Your over-fat belly will "pay" for it later!
8. Avoid Dinner after 6pm. This is a little controversial.By booking early, it means that you're not going to bed late with food in the stomach. I am sure that you have heard the theory that eating late causes weight gain. Even if you don't believe this, I'm a firm believer that going to bed on a full stomach causes disturbed sleeping patterns.
9. Pass on the Salt. Yes, your body need some salt to maintain optimum cellular activity. You'll get more in your diet than necessary, however, without even trying. Two slices of bread, for example, supply more than your daily requirement for salt. Too much salt can cause a whole raft of health problems including heart and kidney diseases - not least it can cause water retention and a bloating appearance.
10. Ask for the Fruit Bowl Instead of the Dessert Menu! You know what the dessert menu will look like - full of delicious calorie dense cakes, pastries and other goodies. Not great for your fat loss nutrition plan. So the best response is to ask for the fruit bowl instead. If you really need anything after your main meal, ask for an apple or some strawberries. You'll feel better for it!
11. Save the Alcohol for Special Occasions. Alcohol can be so overpriced in restaurants. Not only that, but it also costs your waistline 7 calories for every gram (vs. 4 for proteins and carbs). If your goal is to get fat-free then be prepared to cut back on your alcohol. Limit your intake to just one drink of red wine if required (at least there is some nutritional content here). Another problem with alcohol is that it very quickly impairs your judgment - making you likely to order more deep-fried foods, extra bread and dessert.

The Proper Nutrition to Grow Taller

Being considered too short is one of the problems that many people confront themselves with during everyday life. If you're lucky enough not to have this height issue, you may find this difficult to understand but if you're one of those people that wishes they were taller, you probably know what I'm talking about. The height issue installs in the mind of a man or a woman usually during adolescence and fortunately this is the time when it can still be knocked out by a proper nutrition. In this article, I will try to explain how to grow taller naturally, having an proper nutrition.
How to grow taller naturally - Proteins vs Carbo's
Usually foods with a high concentration of carbohydrates are less important for your growth. Therefore, for a growing tall nutrition, reduce as much as possible the consume of foods rich in carbo's, like breads, pastas potatoes or cereals. They are not essential nutrients for human growth. The foods that you need to focus on to maximize the growth of your bones are the ones rich in proteins and glutamine, and also rich in minerals.
Foods with a high content of proteins are meat, eggs and all dairy products. These also contain glutamine which has a major role in the protein synthesis. Glutamine is contained in various vegetables like spinach and parsley. Assimilating the proteins at a superior rate will certainly help you on how to grow taller naturally.
How to grow taller naturally - Minerals
The most important mineral for human growth is calcium. This is an important component for a healthy diet and a mineral necessary for life. Calcium plays a very important role for bones to grow stronger, denser and longer, and also keeps bones healthy in late adulthood. Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are a pretty well known source of calcium.
Zinc and magnesium are also important supplements for human growth. Zinc is found in yogurt, and both magnesium and zinc are found in various seeds. Nuts are an excellent source for these minerals, having a few nuts a day will ensure an optimum consume of them.
How to grow taller naturally - Vitamins
Remember when your mother was telling you to eat your vegetables? That's because vegetables as well as fruit are very rich in all the vitamins you need. They are necessary for the normal growth of a human being because they facilitate all the reactions produced within your organism. They are important for the healthy maintenance of the cells, tissues and organs, and they help with the processing of proteins and carbohydrates.
The most important vitamin, directly connected with growth is vitamin D. Aliments with a high concentration of this vitamin are based on fish. The best source for vitamin D are fish oils. Other foods are quite low in this nutrient. Also, vitamin D is produced from a substance beneath the skin when the sun light falls on the surface of the body. Therefore, sunbathing is indicated as well for someone who wants to know how to grow taller naturally.
